
The full syllabus is available here

Course Topics

Week Topic Notes
1 - 2 Working Environment and Review Git, GitHub, and R Markdown Jan 17 Course intro & syllabus | Collaborations - test case | data: 2015 BRFSS data for Iowa | Code book: BRFSS Codebook 2015
    Jan 19 Collaborations - test case - part 2 | a solution to the test case
    Jan 24 tools for collaborations | R Markdown refresher | to add or not to add? that is the git-tion
3 - 5 Data structures in R: factors, lists, trees Jan 26 Results from R & friends | Reviewing elements of the tidyverse: ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr with solutions
    Jan 31 Reviewing elements of the tidyverse: ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr with solutions
    Feb 2 Lab #1
    Feb 7 Review of basic R types and structures, first look at lists, code
    Feb 9 List objects
    Feb 14 Recap of Blog 3, List objects, code
    Feb 16 Lab #2
6 Split-apply-combine strategies with lists, Review of functional programming, conditionals, loops. Feb 21 Dates and time, code
    Feb 23 Reviewing Functions, Split-apply-combine with lists, code
7-8 Package system in R Feb 28 A first R package, Let’s do that again with litr, code
    Mar 2 Lab #3
    Mar 7 Data in packages, Package dependencies
    Mar 9 Logistics, Package dependencies, The error fixing cycle
    Mar 21 Let’s do that again: Packages in R, Data in packages
9-10 Testing code & Critical analysis of code Mar 23 Connecting a package to Github, Continuous Integration, Unit testing
    Mar 28 The one where Austria was abducted …
11 Web scraping, working with text: awk and grep Mar 30 One more set of tests, Intro to web-scraping
    Apr 4 Web-scraping - your turn :), working with APIs, code from class
12 Event driven programming Apr 6 Hands-on session: Project check-in. Make sure to prep some questions!
    Apr 11 Intro to shiny apps, zipped folder of example apps, Dashboards
    Apr 13 Lab 4: a shiny app
13 Parsing data, profiling code Apr 18 More data-scraping: working with APIs, code from class
    Apr 20 regular expressions, code from class
14 Databases Apr 25 profiling code
    Apr 27 connecting to databases
15 Prep-week Project Presentations May 2 Presentations
    May 4 Presentations
16 Finals   May 11, 12-2pm Presentations