Lab 4 - Adding a shiny app

Lab organization


  • User-interface

  • Spatial

  • Temporal

  1. As last time, there is a github classroom link. Select the invite with your team’s number (or create a team in case there is none yet).

  2. Hofmann, don’t forget the Zoom breakout rooms. Join the room that matches your team number.

  3. Final deliverable: submit a link to your repository in Canvas (This will show me that you are done working on your project).

  4. Our goal for today: add a shiny up to the R package!

Make sure to talk!

All team members are supposed to contribute … last time you might have realized that it is a pretty big mess if everybody writes into the README file all at the same time.

This time: figure out a plan before you start working. Include your plan as a table in the README.Rmd file for lab #4.

Our Goal for this lab

  • create a shiny app within the R package …

  • … and make sure that the package passes R CMD check


  • getting a shiny app into an R package:

  • shiny in general:

  • for maps: leaflet package,

  • for time series: plotly package,

Repo for the lab

  1. Accept the link to the github classroom assignment (sent by email).

  2. Check whether one of your team members has already created a team. In that case, join them. If none of your team members is listed yet, create a team.

  3. Link the repository to RStudio …