class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Blog #3 - Recap ] .author[ ### Heike Hofmann ] --- # How did it go? So many errors! - Drowning, Breaking Backs - ... it's a process - Experience - Adventure --- # Issues with building the book 0. Old versions ... of R, RStudio, tinytex, ... 1. Tons of packages to install ... 2. Changes in the way that R is working ... 3. Missing fonts 4. Some issues with the source code in the repo --- # Old versions of ... stuff For long stretches of time (months, years), the versions we use of <insert your package and software of choice here> do not matter. and then we run into 'strange occurrences' ... when strange things happen, and .. - you can not identify any good reasons of why - nobody else seems to have a problem with it Try to set an internal alarm to try solving your issues by updating your software. --- # Changes in the way that R is working ... This is not going to happen that often While it is inconvenient now, try to think of it as a priviledge of having seen this rare occurrence --- # Missing Fonts Installation of fonts is platform-dependent, but ... you should know how a font is installed on your system Inconsolata is a Google font: The download comes with a README.txt file and instructions for installation Installing fonts - MacOS: - Linux: - Windows: --- # All those package installations ... are annoying 😠, tedious 😞, would be so much easier if - we could install them in one go 🐎 - we knew where we can access these packages (`emo` is not on CRAN) 😢 -- <br> <br> ... there's a package for this ... -- and a file format for that! ![](images/pea-pot.png) <br> (`pea pot` emoji, released in 2022, not available in R yet) --- # File Format `DESCRIPTION` and package `desc` There is a `DESCRIPTION` file in R package `desc`: tools to read, write, create, and manipulate `DESCRIPTION` files Install as `remotes::install_github("r-lib/desc")` Meant for package development - also great for easing the reproducible workflow --- # Package `desc` in action ```r library(desc) download.file(url="", destfile = "DESCRIPTION") desc_get_deps(file="DESCRIPTION") |> DT::datatable(options = list(pageLength = 5)) ```
--- # DESCRIPTION field Remotes contains (very concise) installation instructions for packages that are not on CRAN, or packages for which a development version of CRAN should be used ```r desc::desc_get("Remotes", file="DESCRIPTION-AdvR") |> cat() ``` ``` ## ## hadley/emo, ## rstudio/bookdown, ## rstudio/bslib, ## rstudio/rmarkdown ``` Entries are of the form <github handle>/<repo name> and are installed using the command `remotes::install_github("<github handle>/<repo name>")` Non github remote dependencies need to be specified with `::`, i.e. for example `bitbucket::<handle>/<repo>`. Other resources are e.g. git, gitlab, bioconductor, svn, local repos, or general urls. See also: --- class: center, inverse, middle <iframe src='' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' allowfullscreen width='640' height='502'></iframe> # Well done! --- class: center, inverse, middle # Don't forget to READ the book now 😁 --- ## Blog 4 Help with `dplyr`: [R for Data Science]( --- ## This Thursday: lab The next lab is scheduled for Feb 16 (this Thursday), please fill out the survey on how you want to attend ... I'll randomly assign groups within modality We will do some web-scraping to read data that might not have been meant to be read by us :) - list objects, matrices and a bit of functions