Fixing a thing

Errors and warnings in packages



March 30, 2023

Frontmatter check


Fix one of the problems in one of our community packages at, and write about it.


What we want to know is the exact warning or error message of the item you fixed, and a description of what you did, also as specific as possible.

Describe your experience below. Push this blog post to your blog-9 repo. Make sure the front matter check passes.

Which error or warning did you fix? … and how?

For this week’s blog, I decided to keep working on the Team2 package. The warning I identified dealt with us forgetting to include a library in the Imports section of the description, and using library within the functions. The error would be similar to the following message:

 checking dependencies in R code ... WARNING
  'library' or 'require' calls not declared from:
    'tabulizer' 'tidyverse'
  'library' or 'require' calls in package code:
    'tabulizer' 'tidyverse'
    Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
    See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.

The reason for this was that within the function pdf_to_table we were importing the library, like this:

pdf_to_tbl <- function(pdf, save_as = NULL) {

  library(tidyverse)       <--------- This command was problematic
  library(tabulizer)       <--------- This command was problematic
  plog <- tabulizer::extract_tables(file = pdf, method = "lattice")
  df <- lapply(plog, extract_data_frame_page)

  # identify the numeric columns, since some pages miss all "Report Number Assigned to Event"
  n <- length(df)
  numeric_columns <- df %>% lapply(., function(x)sapply(x, class)) %>%
    lapply(., function(x)which(x == "numeric")) %>%
    unlist %>% unique

  ## Combining the different pages
  df <-, df)
  df[numeric_columns] <- suppressWarnings(lapply(df[numeric_columns], function(x)as.numeric(x)))

  if (!is.null(save_as) && dir.exists(dirname(save_as))){
    utils::write.csv(df, save_as, row.names = FALSE)



I did three things to clear this warning: - Substitute the tidyverse call for the magrittr - Check if the name spaces “magrittr” and “tabulize” were available - In case they were, load the name space - Add magrittr and tabulizer to the Imports seciton of the description file

The updated function is as it follows:

pdf_to_tbl <- function(pdf, save_as = NULL) {

  if(!requireNamespace("tabulizer", quietly = TRUE)){
    warning("The tabulizer package is required for this function")
  if(!requireNamespace("magrittr", quietly = TRUE)){
    warning("The magrittr package is required for this function")
  plog <- tabulizer::extract_tables(file = pdf, method = "lattice")
  df <- lapply(plog, extract_data_frame_page)

  # identify the numeric columns, since some pages miss all "Report Number Assigned to Event"
  n <- length(df)
  numeric_columns <- df %>% lapply(., function(x)sapply(x, class)) %>%
    lapply(., function(x)which(x == "numeric")) %>%
    unlist %>% unique

  ## Combining the different pages
  df <-, df)
  df[numeric_columns] <- suppressWarnings(lapply(df[numeric_columns], function(x)as.numeric(x)))

  if (!is.null(save_as) && dir.exists(dirname(save_as))){
    utils::write.csv(df, save_as, row.names = FALSE)



The description file now also contains the updated Imports section

Package: Team2
Title: Get police presslogs
Authors@R: c(
    person("Caio", "dos Santos", , "", role = c("aut", "cre")),
    person("Alexandrea", "Arabio", , "", role = "aut"),
    person("Maxwell", "Skinner", , "", role = "aut")
Description: This package contains 3 functions to download, extract, and
    filter presslog data. Also, it contains a sample data set.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
    R (>= 2.10)
LazyData: true
LitrVersionUsed: 0.7.0
LitrId: afd1fe153acf34706b65fe5d2dcc1315