Green is the new Black

Errors and warnings in packages



March 30, 2023

Frontmatter check


Fix one of the problems in one of our community packages at, and write about it.


What we want to know is the exact warning or error message of the item you fixed, and a description of what you did, also as specific as possible.

Describe your experience below. Push this blog post to your blog-9 repo. Make sure the front matter check passes.

Which error or warning did you fix? … and how?

Firstly, I did eeny meeny miny moe to pick a number, got 5, so I checked Team5 package:))

I ran the check(), No warnings or errors, just some notes I saw. First note said all declared imports should be used. So I went to the description file and removed the mentioned packages from imports. Easy-peasy, fixed that note.

Next note was about missing dependencies to other packages. Checked the .R code, and I added the dependencies in the description file under imports. Sorted!

Another note was about considering adding importFrom("stats","filter"). Addressed this by going to the .R file and adding dplyr:: before filter function. Then added @importFrom dplyr filter in the beginning of the file. After that, ran document() to build them in the NAMESPACE file and then ran check(). Fixed a bunch of these notes too!

Then I tackled the global bindings and added "Variable_Name" <- "Variable_Name" <- NULL to the addressed functions. Tadaaaaa, green checkmarks all around for Team 5! Woohoo!

I think I was supposed to fix just one of these notes, but my OCD kicked in and I ended up fixing them all. Just wanted to see those green marks! 😅