Fix one of the problems in one of our community packages at
, and write about it.
What we want to know is the exact warning or error message of the item you fixed, and a description of what you did, also as specific as possible.
The error, i am getting Error in purrr::map()
: ℹ In index: 1. Caused by error: ! HTTP error 401. Bad credentials
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Describe your experience below. Push this blog post to your blog-9 repo. Make sure the front matter check passes.
Which error or warning did you fix? … and how? I tried fixing the error by setting the key the github but it is not working. I am not sure what causing the error.I have key set up earlier,it is working fine for others.
Error: Consider adding importFrom(“utils”, “download.file”, “write.csv”) to your NAMESPACE file.
Finally, I fixed the error and able to fix few warning and notes check for Team3.
I have changed separate(Call_Received_Date_Time) function to separate(‘Call_Received_Date_Time’) as it is unable to recognize the variable globally.
I have included the few imports and param in the R file like #’ @importFrom utils download.file
#’ @importFrom magrittr %>%
#’ @importFrom lubridate ymd_hms
#’ @importFrom pdftools pdf_text
#’ @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#’ @param pdf name of pdf with data
#’ @param save_as optional for saving a csv file
This helps to fix the 2 notes to 0 notes , but unable to fix the 2 warning.