Fixing thing from Lab 2

Errors and warnings in packages



March 30, 2023


Fix one of the problems in one of our community packages at, and write about it.


What we want to know is the exact warning or error message of the item you fixed, and a description of what you did, also as specific as possible.

Describe your experience below. Push this blog post to your blog-9 repo. Make sure the front matter check passes.

Which error or warning did you fix? … and how? Warning: cannot open file ‘presslog-20230306.csv’: No such file or directoryError in file(file, “rt”) : cannot open the connection

This was due to the fact that we updated the presslog date to the current day we were working on it. That means if we used it a different day, it would be outdated. I changed the file it was looking for to be a general press log file. It did not have a specific date attatched.

get_presslog <- function(from, to) { df <- utils::read.csv(“presslog-%s%02d%02d.csv”) # Change the date to be today’s date df[c(‘Date’, ‘Time’)] <- stringr::str_split_fixed(df\(Call.Received.Date.Time, ' ', 2) calls <- df[df\)Date >= from & df$Date <= to, ] print(calls)

While this isn’t an absolute solution because it depends on the previous function to save as presslog-%s%02d%02d.csv. This does work for any date and we will not have to change the date every time.