The painful green ticks

Errors and warnings in packages

An Phan


March 30, 2023

Frontmatter check


Fix one of the problems in one of our community packages at, and write about it.

Which error or warning did you fix? … and how?

I chose Team2’s package to fix and enjoyed the pain. I used devtools to install, load, document, check, and repeated all over again.

First try, 2 notes (seems easy to solve!):

  • Non-standard file/directory found at top level: easy, put the .pdf extension in .Rbuildignore
  • Undefined global functions or variables: %>% . download.file presslog_ames write.csv. I went to each R source file and added @importFrom (e.g., purrr %>%, utils download.file, utils write.csv), then rerun devtools::document() to update the NAMESPACE file. For the dot (“.”), I could not figure out which package it came from, so I had to edit the code to not use “.” within an lapply function. For the presslog_ames dataset, it was not loaded into the environment before using, so I declared it.

Second try, 1 error (that is worse than 2 notes!):

  • Namespace dependency missing from DESCRIPTION Imports/Depends entries: purrr. So, it gets imported previously, but the DESCRIPTION file did not have that information (I felt weird that devtools::document() only updates NAMESPACE, not DESCRIPTION. I went ahead and manually added purrr under Imports.

Third try, 1 warning (I’m getting there!!):

  • Documented arguments not in in documentation object ‘get_presslog’: ‘df’. I wasn’t sure about the @usage tag, so I just override the argument df passed into the function with the presslog_ames data (not the best way, but it works)

Fourth try (I lied, it took me way many more times to reach here but I only describe the main problems): SUCCESS!! 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 notes!