Solving package problems!

Errors and warnings in packages

Landon Getting


March 30, 2023

Frontmatter check

Which error or warning did you fix? … and how?

After running devtools::check() for Team 3, I received several errors regarding a lack of visible bindings or variable definitions. I decided to focus on the errors regarding the get_presslog function:

I fixed the first error by specifically referencing the package of origin for the presslog_ames data object.

Team3::presslog_ames rather than presslog_ames.

Next, I added similar references for all instances of the ymd() function.

lubridate::ymd() rather than ymd().

While attempting to solve the final warning for the get_presslog function, I ran into a plethora of issues. I added the prefix .data$ to eliminate the visible binding problem, but then I needed to add @importFrom rlang .data to the roxygen comments.

.data$Call_Received_Date rather than Call_Received_Date

Once I added the @importFrom tag, ran devtools::document(), and added rlang to the description file, I thought I was in the clear. However, I received the following error when performing the check:

No root directory found in C:/Users/[my directories]/lab-3-all-all-for-one-and-one-for-all oits parent directories. Root criterion: contains a file "DESCRIPTION" with contents matching "^Package:

I struggled with this problem but figured out that the description file had a small error in it. Instead of imports:, the description file had import: which caused not to recognize the following packages to import.

After fixing this error, I ran devtools::check() and the get_presslog binding or definition issues were resolved.