Fix one of the problems in one of our community packages at
, and write about it.
What we want to know is the exact warning or error message of the item you fixed, and a description of what you did, also as specific as possible.
Describe your experience below. Push this blog post to your blog-9 repo. Make sure the front matter check passes.
Which error or warning did you fix? … and how?
my answer
The warning message from the item I fixed is
❯ checking dependencies in R code ... WARNING '::' or ':::' import not declared from: ‘purrr’
This must results from using a function from `purrr` package with import missing, so I went to the R code, spotted the function with code purrr::
. In the function defined there, I added one line with #' @import purrr
, ran the function devtool::document
to make sure `NAMESPACE` is properly updated, I also update Imports
This is an easy warning to fixed as long as familiarizing with the documentation process in R package and being able to find the function loaded the package.