Undefined Object Error

Errors and warnings in packages

Harun Celik


March 30, 2023

Frontmatter check


Fix one of the problems in one of our community packages at https://github.com/Stat585-at-ISU/lab-3-all-all-for-one-and-one-for-all, and write about it.


What we want to know is the exact warning or error message of the item you fixed, and a description of what you did, also as specific as possible.

My search for an error was to try and load all of the packages to then run checks on them to see which ones I could immediately jump into. I definitely didn’t go in numerical order but I did find that I got an error after trying devtools::load_all("Team6/"). The exact message can be seen from the screenshot below.

First Error on `load_all()`

I could see from the console that the error was in the get_pd_presslog() function of the package. Running rlang::last_trace() and opening up the get_pd_presslog() function document I found the following.

Traceback Error and Function

The Traceback mentioned that the error was in an object called “link”. Checking the function file, I found that there was an instance where the function was called with a variable called “link” which was supposed to supply the {url} argument to the function.

The first problem is that the variable “link” is assigned after the function is called so download.file() doesn’t have a {url} argument supplied to it. This causes the function to fail and therefore load_all() fails to run.

The second problem is that there is no need to call the get_pd_presslog() function in the function documentation. That is better reserved for a testing environment set up with usethis::use_testthat().

My goal was only to have the package load properly so removing those two lines allowed me to load the package and run a devtools::check() without any problems. Here are the results.

Package loaded and check() output