What should I include? What should I not?

My professional self



March 23, 2023

Frontmatter check


GitHub is an incredibly useful tool for project management and collaboration. It also has several useful features for professional promotion: you can host your own site on github using GitHub pages, describe yourself using a GitHub developer profile, and even use resume.github.io to generate a resume summary of your activity on GitHub (you must opt-in by starring the project page).

posit and the associated package infrastructure provide multiple ways to generate websites using Quarto (or Rmarkdown). You can complete this assignment using one of the two options detailed in Prompt 8

Describe your experience creating your website below. Don’t forget to link to your website! Push this blog post to your blog-8 repo. Make sure that all of the checks are passing.

How did building your own website go?

This week, we were tasked with building our own website and it was an interesting task. I have been meaning to build it for sometime but it has alway been put in the back burner because other tasks took priority over it. I am glad I finally had a push to do it. Thankfully, I could count on GitHub pages to help with this task. The fact that we can upload a website the general structure to a GitHub repository and GitHub will build a webpage and deploy it, is fascinating. This removes a lot of the complications that come from bulding websites, as we often have the answer questions such as: “Where I am going to host this?”; “Should I configure a database for this website?”; and “How do I configure a server?”.

Not everything went well though, I had a hard time figuring out how to build the website using Jeckyll. I was able to find several Jeckyll templates but I failed to understand how to use them in GitHub. Eventually, I gave up on Jeckyll. I have had some previous experience building websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so I decided to move forward with that. Overall, I had a fun time writing about myself in a professional website. The hardest part was figuring out what should I include and what should I not. Finally, I have opted for a simple layout that communicates all the information I believe a future employer would be interested. The website contains a very simple layout with the following sections:

Section Description
Welcome Brief description of my activities nowadays.
Profile Profile picture and links to social media and curriculum vitae.
Research Interests Research topics I am fascinated about.
Education Universities I have attended.
Software 1 software I have published…
Publications Peer-reviewed publications