Welcome to the Club!

My professional self



March 23, 2023

Frontmatter check


GitHub is an incredibly useful tool for project management and collaboration. It also has several useful features for professional promotion: you can host your own site on github using GitHub pages, describe yourself using a GitHub developer profile, and even use resume.github.io to generate a resume summary of your activity on GitHub (you must opt-in by starring the project page).

posit and the associated package infrastructure provide multiple ways to generate websites using Quarto (or Rmarkdown). You can complete this assignment using one of the two options detailed in Prompt 8

Describe your experience creating your website below. Don’t forget to link to your website! Push this blog post to your blog-8 repo. Make sure that all of the checks are passing.

How did building your own website go?

creating my website with Quarto in R was actually pretty sweet! I had a lot of fun with it, and it was a smooth ride for the most part. Although, I gotta admit, I did run into some trouble with this ERROR: YAMLException: bad indentation of a mapping entry. But, hey, I figured it out and moved on!

The toughest part for me was figuring out what to write about myself. It’s not easy to talk about yourself, you know what I mean? I spent a lot of time trying to come up with the right words, and I still don’t know if I got it exactly right.

I’m also obsessed with design and colors and themes, so that part was a blast. I spent way too much time trying to decide on the right colors and themes. And even then, I’m still not sure if I made the right choice! I just can’t help myself.

Overall, though, I really enjoyed creating my website with Quarto in R. I was so into it that I didn’t even realize how much time had passed. It was a rewarding and engaging experience, and I’m thrilled with how my website turned out :) Here is the link: [https://motinaaa.github.io]