Let’s RMarkdown that Site

My professional self

An Phan


March 23, 2023

Frontmatter check


GitHub is an incredibly useful tool for project management and collaboration. It also has several useful features for professional promotion: you can host your own site on github using GitHub pages, describe yourself using a GitHub developer profile, and even use resume.github.io to generate a resume summary of your activity on GitHub (you must opt-in by starring the project page).

posit and the associated package infrastructure provide multiple ways to generate websites using Quarto (or Rmarkdown). You can complete this assignment using one of the two options detailed in Prompt 8

Describe your experience creating your website below. Don’t forget to link to your website! Push this blog post to your blog-8 repo. Make sure that all of the checks are passing.

How did building your own website go? I chose the Simple RMarkdown Site option. Here is my website.

I was able to create a minimal website using just a few commands (I did not know building a website was that fast and simple). I am planning to add some details to it following the instruction at https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown/rmarkdown-site.html.

I added two pages about Research and Teaching, as those are the two things that occupy me 24/7. I had fun adding details into the website, the more things added the more I want it to look nice. I will probably go back and decorate it when I have time. Now I realize all the fancy websites are just code behind the scene, but effort and creativity are what make them look fancy.

I noticed that the website is not updated immediately after I push changes to the GitHub repo, it usually takes 1-2 minutes to fully reflect the changes. I freaked out at first when the website did not change accordingly to my code. Other than that, I have no trouble rendering the site and passing the checks.

Somehow the Frontmatter check does not work for my repo anymore, seems like I have to pay for something:

Frontmatter JSON Schema Validator The job was not started because recent account payments have failed or your spending limit needs to be increased. Please check the ‘Billing & plans’ section in your settings.