Becoming a Website Engineer

My professional self

Landon Getting


March 23, 2023

Frontmatter check

How did building your own website go?

View my website!

Building the website went relatively smoothly! However, I had a few minor issues.

First, I had trouble staging my files to be committed. I originally thought this was due to the new RStudio update. However, I reinstalled the latest RStudio version, restarted my computer, restarted my RStudio several times, and finally found success. I cannot replicate the problem so it may be tough to solve.

I also had an issue where a page was not building the correctly named .html file. I developed a page called shiny.Rmd to display a Shiny App project. A file called “Shiny.html” is generated when the website it built. It is not recognized by the _site.yml file since it is expecting “shiny.html”. I manually changed the file name after building to achieve success. I could not determine why this problem was occurring.