

Caio dos Santos


February 16, 2023


The plyr package has by now been replaced by other, even faster packages, but the idea of Split, apply, combine is as relevant as ever.

Read the paper The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis by Hadley Wickham.

Write a blog post addressing the following questions:

  1. The R code for the split-apply-combine paper is posted with the paper. Pick one of the examples demonstrating plyr functionality (such as dlply or ddply, …) and rewrite the example using functionality from the package dplyr. Make sure that your example works and the results are identical.

  2. Which (base R) functions do you know that support the split-apply-combine strategy? In your opinion, are these sufficient? State why or why not?

  3. The ChatGPT response to the prompt “Describe the split-apply-combine paradigm” is given below. Generally, the chatbot’s answers are decent. ChatGPT does have problems getting details right. Which details would you change in the response?

The “split-apply-combine” paradigm is a data analysis strategy used in statistics and data science to analyze grouped data. It consists of three steps:

Split: The data is first split into groups based on one or more variables of interest.

Apply: A specific operation or function is applied to each group of data, usually for the purpose of aggregating, summarizing, or transforming the data within each group.

Combine: The results of the operation applied to each group are then combined and returned as a single output.

The split-apply-combine paradigm is particularly useful in cases where the data cannot be analyzed as a whole and instead must be analyzed in smaller, more manageable chunks. This allows for more efficient data processing and improved scalability. The paradigm is commonly implemented using tools such as the “groupby” function in the R and Python programming languages, and the “dplyr” library in R.

You can write your answers directly the README.Rmd file. Make sure that the file knits (you will need to activate any packages your use in your code chunks with a call to library(xxx), where xxx is the name of the package, such as plyr ). Commit your changes and push to your repo; add any files in the README_files directory to your repository.

1 - Ozone example

This section contais the Ozone example described in The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis. I have removed some of the parts to reduce the output but I have kept the essential parts for us to demonstrate de functionalities of plyr and dplyr


value <- ozone[1, 1, ]
time <- 1:72 / 12
month.abbr <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", 
 "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
month <- factor(rep(month.abbr, length = 72), levels = month.abbr)
year <- rep(1:6, each = 12)

deseas1 <- rlm(value ~ month - 1)

deseasf <- function(value) rlm(value ~ month - 1, maxit = 50)
models <- alply(ozone, 1:2, deseasf)
#> Warning in rlm.default(x, y, weights, method = method, wt.method = wt.method, :
#> 'rlm' failed to converge in 50 steps

#> Warning in rlm.default(x, y, weights, method = method, wt.method = wt.method, :
#> 'rlm' failed to converge in 50 steps

#> Warning in rlm.default(x, y, weights, method = method, wt.method = wt.method, :
#> 'rlm' failed to converge in 50 steps

#> Warning in rlm.default(x, y, weights, method = method, wt.method = wt.method, :
#> 'rlm' failed to converge in 50 steps

#> Warning in rlm.default(x, y, weights, method = method, wt.method = wt.method, :
#> 'rlm' failed to converge in 50 steps

#> Warning in rlm.default(x, y, weights, method = method, wt.method = wt.method, :
#> 'rlm' failed to converge in 50 steps

#> Warning in rlm.default(x, y, weights, method = method, wt.method = wt.method, :
#> 'rlm' failed to converge in 50 steps
failed <- laply(models, function(x) !x$converged)

coefs <- laply(models, coef)
dimnames(coefs)[[3]] <- month.abbr
names(dimnames(coefs))[3] <- "month"

deseas <- laply(models, resid)
dimnames(deseas)[[3]] <- 1:72
names(dimnames(deseas))[3] <- "time"

coefs_df <- melt(coefs)
#>     lat   long month    value
#> 1 -21.2 -113.8   Jan 264.3964
#> 2 -18.7 -113.8   Jan 261.3284
#> 3 -16.2 -113.8   Jan 260.9643
#> 4 -13.7 -113.8   Jan 258.9999
#> 5 -11.2 -113.8   Jan 255.9999
#> 6  -8.7 -113.8   Jan 254.9999

This far, we have successfully extracted the trends for for each month and sampling point (combination of latitude, longitude, and month). Now, we can use plyr to calculate average trends for each sampling point across months (combination of latitude and longitude). The ddply function takes as an argument a data frame and outputs a data frame as well. Note: the original exmaple redefined the coef_df data frame using the ddply function. Here, I changed the name to coefs_df_plyr so we conserved the coef_df data frame unchanged, since we want to reuse this data frame using dplyr and base R

coefs_df_plyr <- ddply(coefs_df, .(lat, long), transform, 
  avg = mean(value),
  std = value / max(value)
levels(coefs_df_plyr$month) <- month.abbr
#>     lat   long month    value      avg       std
#> 1 -21.2 -113.8   Jan 264.3964 268.6604 0.9277068
#> 2 -21.2 -113.8   Feb 259.2036 268.6604 0.9094862
#> 3 -21.2 -113.8   Mar 255.0000 268.6604 0.8947368
#> 4 -21.2 -113.8   Apr 252.0052 268.6604 0.8842288
#> 5 -21.2 -113.8   May 258.5089 268.6604 0.9070486
#> 6 -21.2 -113.8   Jun 265.3387 268.6604 0.9310129

To do accomplish the same with the dplyr package, we can use use the group_by and mutate functions

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:plyr':
#>     arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,
#>     summarize
#> The following object is masked from 'package:MASS':
#>     select
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

coefs_df %>%
  group_by(lat, long) %>%
    avg = mean(value),
    std = value / max(value)
  ) %>%
  arrange(lat, long) %>%
  data.frame() -> coefs_df_dplyr

levels(coefs_df_dplyr$month) <- month.abbr

#>     lat   long month    value      avg       std
#> 1 -21.2 -113.8   Jan 264.3964 268.6604 0.9277068
#> 2 -21.2 -113.8   Feb 259.2036 268.6604 0.9094862
#> 3 -21.2 -113.8   Mar 255.0000 268.6604 0.8947368
#> 4 -21.2 -113.8   Apr 252.0052 268.6604 0.8842288
#> 5 -21.2 -113.8   May 258.5089 268.6604 0.9070486
#> 6 -21.2 -113.8   Jun 265.3387 268.6604 0.9310129

We can check that the outputs are identical

all(coefs_df_dplyr == coefs_df_plyr)
#> [1] TRUE

2 - Base R function for split-apply-combine

Base R has a set of functions that can deal with splitting datasets into smaller pieces, applying an operation to that smaller piece and combining it into a complete dataset again. A couple examples would be:

a- The apply family of functions combined with the split function

coefs_df_base1 <- lapply(split(coefs_df, coefs_df[c('lat', 'long')]),
                        function(df) {
                          df$avg <- mean(df$value)
                          df$std <- df$value / max(df$value)
coefs_df_base1 <-'rbind', c(coefs_df_base1, make.row.names = FALSE))
levels(coefs_df_base1$month) <- month.abbr

#>     lat   long month    value      avg       std
#> 1 -21.2 -113.8   Jan 264.3964 268.6604 0.9277068
#> 2 -21.2 -113.8   Feb 259.2036 268.6604 0.9094862
#> 3 -21.2 -113.8   Mar 255.0000 268.6604 0.8947368
#> 4 -21.2 -113.8   Apr 252.0052 268.6604 0.8842288
#> 5 -21.2 -113.8   May 258.5089 268.6604 0.9070486
#> 6 -21.2 -113.8   Jun 265.3387 268.6604 0.9310129

b - There is also a function called by

coefs_df_base2 <- by(coefs_df, coefs_df[c('lat', 'long')],
                      function(df) {
                          df$avg <- mean(df$value)
                          df$std <- df$value / max(df$value)

coefs_df_base2 <-'rbind', c(coefs_df_base2, make.row.names = FALSE))
levels(coefs_df_base2$month) <- month.abbr

#>     lat   long month    value      avg       std
#> 1 -21.2 -113.8   Jan 264.3964 268.6604 0.9277068
#> 2 -21.2 -113.8   Feb 259.2036 268.6604 0.9094862
#> 3 -21.2 -113.8   Mar 255.0000 268.6604 0.8947368
#> 4 -21.2 -113.8   Apr 252.0052 268.6604 0.8842288
#> 5 -21.2 -113.8   May 258.5089 268.6604 0.9070486
#> 6 -21.2 -113.8   Jun 265.3387 268.6604 0.9310129

I believe these functions are sufficient. However, I enjoy the simplicity that the Tidyverse brings to data-analysis. The tidyverse functions come with several pre-made decisions, allowing the user to focus more on the data itself than on the code. However, defaults and pre-made decisions tend to be limiting in terms of generalization. In base R, there is a constant need of book-keeping in terms of how to write the code and the fact that sometimes the output of one function will not match the input of the next function the user might want to apply. That being said, I use base R more often than the Tidyverse for the possibility of generalizing the functions and converting code between different programming languages.

3 - ChatGPT output

The majority of what ChatGPT answered seems correct to me. Only a couple details really stand out as incorrect. The output talks about using a “groupby” function in programming languages but none of these two listed languages really have a “group by” function among their standard functions. However, there is one main package or library for each of these languages that implements this grouping. In R, the dplyr package comes with the “group_by” function. In Python, the pandas library comes with the method called “groupby” for data frames.