

An Phan


February 16, 2023


The plyr package has by now been replaced by other, even faster packages, but the idea of Split, apply, combine is as relevant as ever. Read the paper The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis by Hadley Wickham. Write a blog post addressing the following questions:

  1. The R code for the split-apply-combine paper is posted with the paper. Pick one of the examples demonstrating plyr functionality (such as dlply or ddply, …) and rewrite the example using functionality from the package dplyr. Make sure that your example works and the results are identical.

I chose the 1st example on baseball dataframe where the author:

  • Split the dataframe based on id
  • Apply this calculation: year - min(year) and store in a new variable cyear. This step is done on each id group, which means the function min(year) applies to the years within each group only.
  • Combine the calculated cyear from each observation of the dataframe to be a new corresponding column. The resulting dataframe has 21699 obs. of 23 variables.
baseball1 <- ddply(baseball, .(id), transform, cyear = year - min(year) + 1)
#>          id year stint team lg   g  ab   r   h X2b X3b hr rbi sb cs bb so ibb
#> 1 aaronha01 1954     1  ML1 NL 122 468  58 131  27   6 13  69  2  2 28 39  NA
#> 2 aaronha01 1955     1  ML1 NL 153 602 105 189  37   9 27 106  3  1 49 61   5
#> 3 aaronha01 1956     1  ML1 NL 153 609 106 200  34  14 26  92  2  4 37 54   6
#> 4 aaronha01 1957     1  ML1 NL 151 615 118 198  27   6 44 132  1  1 57 58  15
#> 5 aaronha01 1958     1  ML1 NL 153 601 109 196  34   4 30  95  4  1 59 49  16
#> 6 aaronha01 1959     1  ML1 NL 154 629 116 223  46   7 39 123  8  0 51 54  17
#>   hbp sh sf gidp cyear
#> 1   3  6  4   13     1
#> 2   3  7  4   20     2
#> 3   2  5  7   21     3
#> 4   0  0  3   13     4
#> 5   1  0  3   21     5
#> 6   4  0  9   19     6

Using dplyr, I re-wrote the code as followed:

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:plyr':
#>     arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,
#>     summarize
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
baseball2 <- baseball%>%
  mutate(cyear = year - min(year)+1)%>%
baseball2 <- as.data.frame(baseball2)
#>          id year stint team lg   g  ab   r   h X2b X3b hr rbi sb cs bb so ibb
#> 1 aaronha01 1954     1  ML1 NL 122 468  58 131  27   6 13  69  2  2 28 39  NA
#> 2 aaronha01 1955     1  ML1 NL 153 602 105 189  37   9 27 106  3  1 49 61   5
#> 3 aaronha01 1956     1  ML1 NL 153 609 106 200  34  14 26  92  2  4 37 54   6
#> 4 aaronha01 1957     1  ML1 NL 151 615 118 198  27   6 44 132  1  1 57 58  15
#> 5 aaronha01 1958     1  ML1 NL 153 601 109 196  34   4 30  95  4  1 59 49  16
#> 6 aaronha01 1959     1  ML1 NL 154 629 116 223  46   7 39 123  8  0 51 54  17
#>   hbp sh sf gidp cyear
#> 1   3  6  4   13     1
#> 2   3  7  4   20     2
#> 3   2  5  7   21     3
#> 4   0  0  3   13     4
#> 5   1  0  3   21     5
#> 6   4  0  9   19     6

Here, split is done with group_by, then apply the same procedure with mutate to create a new variable, and combine is automatically followed. The resulting tibble baseball2 is the same, but I sorted the id alphabetically and converted it to dataframe to match baseball1. One difference is the use of pipe %>% operator instead of having all arguments inside the round brackets.

Personally, I prefer dplyr maybe because I have been using it more, but also I find it hard to include all steps at once. The pipe operator really helps to clarify things.

  1. Which (base R) functions do you know that support the split-apply-combine strategy? In your opinion, are these sufficient? State why or why not?

The family of apply functions also perform the split-apply-combine strategy, but they have limitations (e.g., splitting based on MARGIN (column/row) or INDEX (factor to split)). Similarly to plyr, these apply variants also require users to pack all arguments inside the brackets, making the code cluttered.

For the example above, I do not think that any form of apply could split the dataframe based on id conveniently the way we wanted. One inefficient approach is to get the splitting factor (split), find the min(year) based on this split (apply), then create a new variable as a new column to the dataframe (combine).

# Sort the ids to get splitting factor
baseball3 = baseball[order(baseball$id),]
all_id = table(baseball3$id)
sid = rep(1:length(all_id),times=all_id)
# tapply to find min(year) for each group
min_year <- tapply(baseball3$year, INDEX=sid, FUN=function(x) min(x))
# mapply to add new variable
baseball3$cyear<-mapply(function(x,y) x-y+1, baseball3$year, rep(min_year,times=all_id))
#>              id year stint team lg   g  ab   r   h X2b X3b hr rbi sb cs bb so
#> 37157 aaronha01 1954     1  ML1 NL 122 468  58 131  27   6 13  69  2  2 28 39
#> 37795 aaronha01 1955     1  ML1 NL 153 602 105 189  37   9 27 106  3  1 49 61
#> 38408 aaronha01 1956     1  ML1 NL 153 609 106 200  34  14 26  92  2  4 37 54
#> 39023 aaronha01 1957     1  ML1 NL 151 615 118 198  27   6 44 132  1  1 57 58
#> 39645 aaronha01 1958     1  ML1 NL 153 601 109 196  34   4 30  95  4  1 59 49
#> 40291 aaronha01 1959     1  ML1 NL 154 629 116 223  46   7 39 123  8  0 51 54
#>       ibb hbp sh sf gidp cyear
#> 37157  NA   3  6  4   13     1
#> 37795   5   3  7  4   20     2
#> 38408   6   2  5  7   21     3
#> 39023  15   0  0  3   13     4
#> 39645  16   1  0  3   21     5
#> 40291  17   4  0  9   19     6

I believe this code using apply could be shortened, but it still has certain limitations on splitting only by MARGIN/INDEX. So, dplyr is obviously more efficient and convenient.

  1. The ChatGPT response to the prompt “Describe the split-apply-combine paradigm” is given below. Generally, the chatbot’s answers are decent. ChatGPT does have problems getting details right. Which details would you change in the response?

The “split-apply-combine” paradigm is a data analysis strategy used in statistics and data science to analyze grouped data. It consists of three steps:

Split: The data is first split into groups based on one or more variables of interest.

Apply: A specific operation or function is applied to each group of data, usually for the purpose of aggregating, summarizing, or transforming the data within each group.

Combine: The results of the operation applied to each group are then combined and returned as a single output.

The split-apply-combine paradigm is particularly useful in cases where the data cannot be analyzed as a whole and instead must be analyzed in smaller, more manageable chunks. This allows for more efficient data processing and improved scalability. The paradigm is commonly implemented using tools such as the “groupby” function in the R and Python programming languages, and the “dplyr” library in R.

I would correct some details as followed:

  • Apply: A specific operation or function is applied to each group of data, or applied to each element within a group (e.g.,one row in a dataframe, one element in a list).
  • Combine: The results of the operation applied to each group are either combined to a simplified output or returned/appended at the corresponding element in a group usually for the purpose of aggregating, summarizing, or transforming the data within each group. For example, the cyear returned in Question 1 is not combined to a single output, but added as a new variable to each observation in the dataframe.
  • The paradigm is commonly implemented using tools such as the “groupby” and “apply” function in the R and Python programming languages, and the “dplyr” library in R.