Split-Apply-Combine Post


Harun Celik


February 16, 2023


The plyr package has by now been replaced by other, even faster packages, but the idea of Split, apply, combine is as relevant as ever.

Read the paper The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis by Hadley Wickham.

Write a blog post addressing the following questions:

  1. The R code for the split-apply-combine paper is posted with the paper. Pick one of the examples demonstrating plyr functionality (such as dlply or ddply, …) and rewrite the example using functionality from the package dplyr. Make sure that your example works and the results are identical.

  2. Which (base R) functions do you know that support the split-apply-combine strategy? In your opinion, are these sufficient? State why or why not?

  3. The ChatGPT response to the prompt “Describe the split-apply-combine paradigm” is given below. Generally, the chatbot’s answers are decent. ChatGPT does have problems getting details right. Which details would you change in the response?

The “split-apply-combine” paradigm is a data analysis strategy used in statistics and data science to analyze grouped data. It consists of three steps:

Split: The data is first split into groups based on one or more variables of interest.

Apply: A specific operation or function is applied to each group of data, usually for the purpose of aggregating, summarizing, or transforming the data within each group.

Combine: The results of the operation applied to each group are then combined and returned as a single output.

The split-apply-combine paradigm is particularly useful in cases where the data cannot be analyzed as a whole and instead must be analyzed in smaller, more manageable chunks. This allows for more efficient data processing and improved scalability. The paradigm is commonly implemented using tools such as the “groupby” function in the R and Python programming languages, and the “dplyr” library in R.

You can write your answers directly the README.Rmd file. Make sure that the file knits (you will need to activate any packages your use in your code chunks with a call to library(xxx), where xxx is the name of the package, such as plyr ). Commit your changes and push to your repo; add any files in the README_files directory to your repository.


Question One

Code Selection

I wanted to work with a simple example from Hadley Wickham’s code so that I could better understand in detail what was happening. For this reason, I chose to work with a chunk of code that used ddply to first group_by the column $id, and then to create a new column called $cyear using a base R transform() function.

Here is the original code in plyr:

options(digits = 3)
options(prompt = "R> ")
#Changed variable name to baseball_plyr
baseball_plyr <- ddply(baseball, .(id), transform, 
  cyear = year - min(year) + 1)
#>          id year stint team lg   g  ab   r   h X2b X3b hr rbi sb cs bb so ibb
#> 1 aaronha01 1954     1  ML1 NL 122 468  58 131  27   6 13  69  2  2 28 39  NA
#> 2 aaronha01 1955     1  ML1 NL 153 602 105 189  37   9 27 106  3  1 49 61   5
#> 3 aaronha01 1956     1  ML1 NL 153 609 106 200  34  14 26  92  2  4 37 54   6
#> 4 aaronha01 1957     1  ML1 NL 151 615 118 198  27   6 44 132  1  1 57 58  15
#> 5 aaronha01 1958     1  ML1 NL 153 601 109 196  34   4 30  95  4  1 59 49  16
#> 6 aaronha01 1959     1  ML1 NL 154 629 116 223  46   7 39 123  8  0 51 54  17
#>   hbp sh sf gidp cyear
#> 1   3  6  4   13     1
#> 2   3  7  4   20     2
#> 3   2  5  7   21     3
#> 4   0  0  3   13     4
#> 5   1  0  3   21     5
#> 6   4  0  9   19     6

Here is the output replicated in dplyr:

baseball_dplyr <- baseball %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  mutate(cyear = year - min(year) + 1)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 23
#> # Groups:   id [6]
#>   id      year stint team  lg        g    ab     r     h   X2b   X3b    hr   rbi
#>   <chr>  <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 anson…  1871     1 RC1   ""       25   120    29    39    11     3     0    16
#> 2 force…  1871     1 WS3   ""       32   162    45    45     9     4     0    29
#> 3 mathe…  1871     1 FW1   ""       19    89    15    24     3     1     0    10
#> 4 start…  1871     1 NY2   ""       33   161    35    58     5     1     1    34
#> 5 sutto…  1871     1 CL1   ""       29   128    35    45     3     7     3    23
#> 6 white…  1871     1 CL1   ""       29   146    40    47     6     5     1    21
#> # … with 10 more variables: sb <int>, cs <int>, bb <int>, so <int>, ibb <int>,
#> #   hbp <int>, sh <int>, sf <int>, gidp <int>, cyear <dbl>


In both cases, the input and output is a data frame. While the code is less intuitive to understand at first glance in ddply the input/output formats are represented easier through the dd notation. Both codes group by $id and create a new column that is called $cyear with the cumulative year of a player’s career. The dplyr package makes use of the pipeline operator %>% to streamline the process of split-apply-combine whereas ddply looks more similar to how the apply functions take care of this paradigm in base r. One interesting difference that I never paid attention to before was that the str() function produces different results because of the group_by() function in dplyr. It looks like the group_by() function creates nested structures when calling str() on the data frame.

Question Two


Until recently, I wasn’t following the differences between base r and the tidyverse so the only base function I am aware of that follows this split-apply-combine paradigm are the apply functions.

by(baseball$g, baseball$id, mean) |>
#> baseball$id
#> aaronha01 abernte02 adairje01 adamsba01 adamsbo03 adcocjo01 
#>     143.4      40.1      77.7      25.4      85.4     115.2

The code above uses by which serves as a wrapper for tapply and while it does calculate the mean of $g by $id, the information of the output is not as detailed as when run with the dplyr functions. I also found it difficult to work with the syntax of the new base pipe |> operator despite it serving a similar functionality to the more widely utilized magrittr pipe operator.

Question Three

Throughout the article, Hadley Wickham demonstrates the importance of working with the split-apply-combine paradigm efficiently. This is something that ChatGPT did not pick up on in their answer. The answer from the AI for instance doesn’t mention that in the “split” section, memory-saving methods, like the ones introduced by plyr, are an important process of working through the paradigm. The AI also doesn’t discuss the limitations of the split-apply-combine method. An important limitation to the paradigm, especially through use of plyr is that “each piece of data [is] processed only once and independently of all other pieces” (Wickham, 2011). This is an important element of the paradigm that separates it from advanced looping functions.

I have to admit that ChatGPT’s answer is surprisingly concise even if it is a little generalized. It would be interesting to see how it answers more particular questions about the paradigm like, “what are the limitations of the split-apply-combine paradigm?”