Building a Book

Building a Book

Sudesh Bhagat


February 9, 2023


The goal of this week’s blog is to document what you are doing when things do not go according to plan.

Similar to previous exercises, we have a specific use case in mind: we want to build a book from a github repository.

What happens in practice usually, is that we run into some problems. So your real task turns into that of a bug-hunter and fixer. Luckily, you have a community (the class discussion board) who might be able to help you.

What we want: build a book

Build the html version of the 2nd edition for Hadley Wickham’s book Advanced R Programming from a github repository.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the R project in the repository in RStudio.
  3. Activate the Build tab (by default in the top right panel). Click on the Build Book button.
  4. The book will be available in html format as index.html

Deliverable (1): what is the last word in chapter 15? - You don’t have to answer this question, if things don’t work.

The Last word in chapter 15 is pseudo-class.The sentence reads as follows “The S4 any pseudo-class plays the same role as the S3 default pseudo-cLass”

What to do when things don’t work?

Errors happen, they are frustrating, but if we learn something from them, we can turn them into valuable experiences.

  • check the Questions and Answers forum in Canvas whether there is a solution available for your problem.

I was encountering an error while building the book. I had posted this challenge I was facing on the Question and Answers forum in Canvas. I received a solution to it. My classmate, Motahareh Kashanian, suggested that Rtools need to updated. Landon Getting further added to this suggestion by offering the path to solve the issue.

  • if the above document does (not yet) include your question, document the error you encounter (be as concise and specific as you can at the same time)

My question on Canvas is as follows:I am facing the following error as shown below and have installed all necessary packages, but I cannot figure out what I am missing. Any guidance will be appreciated.

In system(cmd) : ‘make’ not found Quitting from lines 77-84 (Rcpp.Rmd) Error in sourceCpp(code = code, env = env, rebuild = rebuild, cacheDir = cacheDir, : Error 1 occurred building shared library. Calls: local … eval_with_user_handlers -> eval -> eval -> cppFunction -> sourceCpp

  • if the Question and Answers forum does (not yet) include a solution, describe one approach on how you tried to solve the problem (and how this did not work).

I found a solution for my error from the question and Answers forum. I have already stated the solution I received above.

  • submit the description of your problem in Canvas at Discussions > Questions and Answers. Write the paragraph in the mindset that you want to get help from somebody, and you try to describe the problem you are encountering.

I am trying to build a book in R. However, while building it, I face the following error. I have installed all the necessary packages. But I cannot figure out the reason for the error. A screenshot of the error is posted below. Any guidance will be appreciated

  • Extra points (1 pt for the first suggested working solution): post a solution to one of the problems in the Questions and Answers forum (your own does not count!).

I offered a solution to one of the questions posted on the Question and Answer forum. One of my classmates was facing a challenge in terms of opening the URL. They had posted the error they were facing on the Question and Answer forum as follows:I offered a solution to this error by suggesting that they try to uninstall and install from RGUI. This suggestion was based on my own experience where I had faced a similar problem and the solution that I offered had worked for me. #install #tinytex::install_tinytex() # to uninstall TinyTeX, run #tinytex::uninstall_tinytex()

Deliverable (2): Write a paragraph on the biggest problem you encountered when you were building the book, (and how you managed to solve it.)

My biggest challenge while trying to build the book was the installation of a particular type of font called inconsolata. This font was required for the PDF file to be knnited. As I didn’t know how to solve this problem, I turned to StackOverflow in search for a solution and I found one there. According to the solution suggested on StackOverflow, to use this font in Windows, I was first required to install this font on my system. I did that by downloading the .tff file of the font from Google Fonts. Thereafter, I set it as a default font for R graphics. In order to do that I used the windowsFonts function from the grDevices package. Once the font was installed, my issue was resolved and I could continue to build the book. 

Submit to your repo and you are done!