Book Building is Backbreaking

Building a Book

Landon Getting


February 9, 2023

Deliverable 1 - Last Word:

The last word in Chapter 15 is ‘class’!

Deliverable 2 - Biggest Problem:

Although I encountered many issues in building Hadley’s book, the biggest problem was getting the .pdf file to build. I received the following error after successfully building the .html file and attempting to build the .pdf file:

LaTeX failed to compile _main.tex

I read the post by Motahareh Kashanian in the class Canvas forum and determined that my installation of MiKTeX may not be helpful in solving the error. I uninstalled MiKTeX and utilized the following commands from tinytex website to install tinytex:



Next, I experienced the most frustrating error of the entire build process; font failure. I received a variety of errors indicating that the inconsolata font could not be found. One of my Lab #1 group members (shoutout Logan) suggested installing the font via Google Fonts. After the font was installed, I found this article which stated that the preamble.tex document needed ‘inconsolata’ to be lowercase rather than ‘Inconsolata’ to be found. Finally, I changed the fallback font to Arial since I could not find a free install for Andale Mono. After these changes, the book built correctly into a .pdf file! Best feeling ever!