Web scraping etiquette …

Errors and warnings in packages



April 6, 2023


With great power comes great responsibility - a large part of the web is based on data and services that scrape those data. Now that we start to apply scraping mechanisms, we need to think about how to apply those skills without becoming a burden to the internet society.

Find sources on ethical web scraping - some readings that might help you get started with that are:

After reading through some of the ethics essays write a blog post addressing the following questions:

  1. What are your main three takeaways for ethical web scraping? - Give examples, or cite your sources. Here are three key takeaways from the article:

Use public APIs whenever possible: Instead of scraping data directly from a website, use its API if it has it. By using an API, you’ll get the data in a structured and consistent format and you’ll reduce the website’s server load.

Respect the website’s terms of use: When scraping data from a website, be transparent about your intentions. Providing a clear user agent string identifies you as a scraper rather than a malicious bot, requesting data at a reasonable rate, and only saving the data you need. If you keep anything, make sure you don’t pass it off as your own.

Provide value: Instead of just taking data from a website, try to give something back. The data can be used in a way to benefit the website or its users, such as driving traffic to the site, crediting it in an article, or finding other ways to use it.

Source: [James Densmore’s article “Ethics in Web Scraping”] (https://towardsdatascience.com/ethics-in-web-scraping-b96b18136f01)

  1. What is a ROBOTS.TXT file? Identify one instance and explain what it allows/prevents.

For robots.txt, it’s a file placed in a site’s root directory that tells web scrapers how they can crawl the site. You can allow or disallow certain web scraping activities in the file, or define how often requests should be made. The robots.txt file on Twitter, for example, doesn’t let scrapers crawl the /search and /notifications sections of the site. Therefore, web scrapers shouldn’t scrape or access these parts of the site without permission.

  1. Identify a website that you would like to scrape (or one an example from class) and implement a scrape using the polite package.

Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# Set the URL to scrape
url <- "https://www.nytimes.com/elections/2016/results/iowa"

# Create a polite session to request permission to scrape the site
session <- bow(url)

# Use the session to retrieve the HTML content of the page
html <- scrape(session)

# Extract the tables from the HTML using rvest
tables <- html %>% html_table(fill = TRUE)

# Print a summary of each table using purrr 
tables %>% purrr::map(summary) %>% head()
 Candidate       Candidate            Party              Votes          
 Mode:logical   Length:11          Length:11          Length:11         
 NA's:11        Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
                Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
     Pct.                              E.V.          
 Length:11          Mode:logical   Length:11         
 Class :character   NA's:11        Class :character  
 Mode  :character                  Mode  :character  

 Vote by county        Trump             Clinton         
 Length:99          Length:99          Length:99         
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  

 Candidate       Candidate            Party              Votes          
 Mode:logical   Length:6           Length:6           Length:6          
 NA's:6         Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
                Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
 Length:6           Mode:logical  
 Class :character   NA's:6        
 Mode  :character                 

 Vote by county       Grassley            Judge          
 Length:99          Length:99          Length:99         
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  

 District\n          Dist.    Leader                            
 Min.   :1.00              Length:4           Length:4          
 1st Qu.:1.75              Class :character   Class :character  
 Median :2.50              Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
 Mean   :2.50                                                   
 3rd Qu.:3.25                                                   
 Max.   :4.00                                                   
 Length:4           Mode:logical  
 Class :character   NA's:4        
 Mode  :character                 

 Seat\n          Seat    Leader                                 Rpt.          
 Min.   : 2           Length:25          Length:25          Length:25         
 1st Qu.:14           Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Median :26           Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
 Mean   :26                                                                   
 3rd Qu.:38                                                                   
 Max.   :50                                                                   


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